Known discography of KING BUZZO
king buzzo is a MEMBER in ...
rate it melvinsgluey porch treatments 198612" alchemy
rate it melvinsozma 198912" boner / tupelo
rate it melvinsbullhead 199112" boner / tupelo
No sleeve yet rate it melvins10 songs 1991CD c/z
rate it melvins10 songs 1991CD c/z
rate it melvins8 songs 199112" c/z
rate it melvinsyour choice live series 1991CD your choice
rate it melvinsking buzzo 199212" boner / tupelo
rate it melvinslysol 1992CD boner / tupelo
rate it melvinshoudini 1993CD atlantic
rate it melvinsstoner witch 1994CD atlantic
rate it snivlemprick 199412" amphetamine reptile
rate it melvinsstag 1996CD atlantic / mammoth
rate it melvinshonky 1997CD amphetamine reptile
rate it cowssorry in pig minor 199812" amphetamine reptile
rate it melvinsthe maggot 1999CD ipecac
rate it melvinsthe bootlicker 1999CD ipecac
rate it melvinsthe crybaby 2000CD ipecac
rate it melvinscolossus of destiny 2001CD ipecac
rate it the fantomasmelvins big bandmillennium monsterworks 2001CD ipecac
rate it melvinselectroretard 2001CD man's ruin
rate it melvinshostile ambient takeover 2002CD ipecac
rate it melvinsneither here nor there 2004CD+book ipecac
rate it melvins & lustmordpigs of the roman empire 2004CD ipecac
rate it jello biafra & the melvinsnever breathe what you can't see 200412" alternative tentacles
rate it the melvinsthe end 2005tape enterruption
rate it melvinsmangled demos from 1983 2005CD ipecac
rate it jello biafra & the melvinssieg howdy! 200512"+7" alternative tentacles
rate it the melvinshoudini live 2005 a live history of gluttony and lust 2006CD ipecac
rate it melvins(a) senile animal 2006CD ipecac
rate it melvinsmaking love demos manchild 3 magazine 2007CD bifocal media
rate it the melvinsthe end 200812" enterruption
rate it melvinsnude with boots 2008CD ipecac
rate it melvins-sludge glamorous- 201012" from the nursery
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