Known discography of BLAST FIRST
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(65 records found)
rate it sonic youthflower BFFP-003 19857"
rate it sonic youthflower BFFP-003 198512" ep
rate it sonic youthbad moon rising HMS-016 / BFFP-001 198512"
rate it sonic youth & lydia lunchdeath valley '69 HMS-021 / BFFP-002 198512" ep
rate it sonic youthflower BFFP-003 198612" ep
rate it sonic youthhalloween II BFFP-003 198612" ep
rate it sonic youthevol BFFP-004 198612"
rate it head of daviddogbreath BFFP-005 198612"
rate it big stickshoot the president BFFP-006 / 198612" ep
rate it sonic youthstarpower BFFP-007 198612" ep
rate it ciccone youthinto the groove(y) BFFP-008 198612" ep
rate it head of davidlp BFFP-010 198612"
rate it big blackatomizer BFFP-011 198612"
rate it sonic youthwalls have ears NOT-001 / [BUT 2] 198612"x2
rate it lee ranaldofrom here -> infinity BFFP-009 198712"
rate it utearly live life BFFP-012 198712"
rate it big blackheadache BFFP-014 198712" ep+7"
rate it utin gut's house BFFP-017 198712"x2
rate it big blacksongs about fucking BFFP-019 198712"
rate it sonic youthmaster-dik BFFP-026 198712" ep
rate it big black(sound of impact,) you've got it all, dad! we're gonna hit! NOT-002 / [BUT 1] 198712"
No sleeve yet rate it head of daviddustbowl BFFP-018 198812"
rate it head of daviddustbowl BFFP-018 198812"
rate it rapemanbudd BFFP-027 198812" ep
rate it butthole surfershairway to steven BFFP-029 / TG-029 198812"
rate it nirvanapeel sessions 1 & 2 BFFP-030 19887"x2
rate it sonic youthdaydream nation BFFP-034 1988CD
rate it rapemanhated chinee FRIGHT-031 / 19887"
rate it head of davidwhite elephant peel session 198912"
rate it sonic youth head of david ut big black rapeman dinosaur jr lee ranaldo ciccone youth big stick arsenal butthole surfersv/a: nothing short of a total war (part one) BFFP-013 198912"
rate it head of davidthe saveana mixes BFFP-037 / TORSO-12108 198912" ep
rate it glenn brancasymphony no.6 devil choirs at the gates of heaven BFFP-039 198912"
rate it butthole surferswidowermaker! BFFP-041 198910"
rate it band of susanslove agenda BFFP-043 198912"
rate it lunachickssugar luv BFFP-044 1989CD ep
rate it ac templesourpuss BFFP-045 198912"
rate it mudhoney sonic youthsplit 12" BFFP-046 198912" ep
rate it dinosaur jrjust like heaven BFFP-047 19897"
rate it sonic youthprovidence BFFP-048 19897"
rate it stretchheadseyeball origami aftermath wit vegetarian leg BFFP-056 19897"
rate it sonic youthcandle (edit) EPRO-182 198912" ep
rate it utgriller / TORSO-154 1989CD
rate it lunachicksbabysitters on acid BFFP-052 199012"
rate it lunachickscookie monster BFFP-055 19907"
rate it stretchheads23 skinner have a bang on this number, man BFFP-064 199012" ep
rate it stretchheadspish in your sleazebag BFFP-058 199112"
rate it a.c. templebelinda backwards BFFP-063 1991CD
rate it head of davidseedstate BFFP-066 1991CD
rate it stretchheadsbarbed anal exciter BFFP-068 199110"
rate it head of davidsoul spark BFFP-069 199110"
rate it common languagesharks to blood ep BFFP-081 199110"
rate it afghan whigsdebonair CD 1 BFFP-095 1994CD ep
rate it afghan whigsdebonair CD 2 BFFP-095CDL 1994CD ep
rate it the raincoatsextended play BFFP-099 / SLR-012 199410"
rate it john oswald aaron williamson f.m. einheit & caspar brötzmann stewart home ether hogg spaceheads blue humans keith tippett & peter brötzmann & uli kellors keiji haino george melly dome robin cook moonshake & skree timelord arkestra john healey bruce gilbert iain sinclair put put terry edwards phill niblock brian catlingv/a: 3 fingers and a fumb BFFP-107 1994CDx2
rate it caspar brötzmann & page hamiltonzulutime RTD-195.3456 / BFFP-128 / SR-098 1995CD
rate it glenn brancasymphonies no.8 and 10 1996CD
rate it labradfordst BFFP-096 / KRANK-013 1996CD
rate it hovercraftvagus nerve/de-orbit burn remix by scanner BFFP-134 199712" ep
rate it hovercraftakathisia BFFP-135 1997CD
rate it labradfordmi media naranja BFFP-144 / / KRANK-023 1997CD
rate it hovercraftexperiment below 9080-2 1998CD
rate it suicidethe second album the first rehearsal tapes BFFP-162 1998CDx2
rate it liars
they threw us all in a trench and stuck a monument on
rate it liarsfins to make us more fish-like BFFP-174 200210"
OWNER paul smith
ASSOCIATED LABELS mute, not, touch and go, homestead, torso, kranky, recess
ORIGIN uk london

origine, provenance, formé ŕ, come from, style, artwork, record sleeve, pochette

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