Known discography of CAROLINE
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(25 records found)
artist title ref year format
rate it frightwigfaster, frightwig, kill! kill! CARO-1334 198612"
rate it steve fitch daniel johnston stickmen with rayguns butthole surfers & daniel johnston butthole surfersv/a: a texas trip CAROL-1339 198712"
rate it naked raygunjettison CAROL 1348 198812"
rate it live skullsnuffer CAROL-1358 198812"
rate it live skullpositraction CAROL-1373 198812"
rate it unrestmalcolm X park TEENBEAT-021 / CAROL-1366 198812"
rate it naked raygununderstand? CAROL-1371 1989CD
rate it naked raygunhome CAROL-1463 19907"
rate it unrestkustom karnal blackx TEENBEAT-035 / CAROL-1399 199012"
rate it smashing pumpkinsgish CAR-016 1991CD
rate it holepretty on the inside SLANG-012 / 1991CD
rate it sonic youth the muffs erectus monotone redd kross tiny lights mudhoney das damen finger it's o.k. yo la tengo white flag the connells big dipper polvo hypnolovewheel chia pet permanent green light superchunkv/a: freedom of choice yesterday's new wave hits as performed by today's stars 1992CD
rate it drop nineteensdelaware CAR-021 1992CD
rate it pussy galorecorpse love the first year CAROL-1706 / 1992CD
rate it dim starsst CAROL-1724 1992CD
rate it revolverbaby's angry / CAROL-1722 1992CD
rate it st. johnnyhigh as a kite CAROL-1744 1993CD
rate it idahothis way out CAR-1757 1994CD
rate it action swingersquit while you're ahead TOAD-007 / 1994CD
No sleeve yet rate it capsize 7mephisto 1995CD
rate it drugstore tindersticks pete shelley wedding present violent femmes alex chilton archers of loaf these immortal souls jeffrey lee pierce magnapop dave alvin pale saints tim buckley frente 10,000 maniacsv/a: step right up the songs of tom waits 1995CD
rate it elastica white zombie björk meat beat manifesto the chemical brothers beastie boys ruby belly moby pj harvey krs-one massive attack vs. mad professor mike watt alice donut aleka's attic the orb morphinev/a: in defense of animals volume 2 1996CD
rate it 7000 dying ratsfanning the flames of fire / UJTD-001 / INS-AS-9026 1998CD
rate it phylrhalflife / INV-110 / 1999CD
rate it magazinethe peel sessions 2008CD
ORIGIN usa new york

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