Known discography of SIRE
(105 records found)
rate it ramonesblitzkreig bop 6078 601 19767"
rate it ramonesi remember you 6078 603 19767"
rate it talking heads77 197712"
rate it talking headslove goes to a building on fire 19777"
rate it ramonesrockaway beach 197712" ep
rate it ramonesswallow my pride 6078 607 19777"
rate it ramonesrockaway beach 6078 611 19777"
rate it ramonesrocket to russia 9103 255 197712"
rate it ramonessheena is a punk rocker RAM-001 19777"
rate it ramonesleave home SA-7528 197712"
rate it the saints(i'm) stranded SR 6039 197712"
rate it ramonesleave home SR-6031 197712"
rate it richard hell & the voidoidsblank generation SR-6037 197712"
rate it richard hell & the voidoidsblank generation SRE-1003 19777"
rate it the saintsi'm stranded SRE-1005 19777"
rate it talking headsmore songs about buildings and food 197812"
rate it talking headstake me to the river 19787"
rate it ramonesthe ramones are here...and there 19787"
rate it rezillos(my baby does) good sculptures 19787"
rate it ramonesdo you wanna dance? 6078 615 19787"
rate it rezilloscan't stand the rezillos K 56530 197812"
rate it the undertonesteenage kicks SIR 4007 19787"
rate it rezillostop of the pops SIR-4001 19787"
rate it the paley brothers & ramonescome on let's go SIR-4005 19787"
rate it the rezillosdestination venus SIR-4008 19787"
rate it ramonesshe's the one SIR-4009 19787"
rate it talking headstake me to the river SIRE-4004 19787"
rate it ramonesdon't come close SRE-1025 19787"
rate it ramonesdon't come close SRE-1031 19787"
rate it dmzst SRK 6051 197812"
rate it ramonesroad to ruin SRK-6063 197812"
rate it ramones nick lowe brian eno p.j. soles devo eddie and the hot rods brownsville station chuck berry todd rundgren alice cooperv/a: rock'n'roll high school original motion picture sound track 197912"
rate it the undertonesget over you SIR 4010 19797"
No sleeve yet rate it the rezilloscold wars SIR-4014 19797"
rate it the undertonesjimmy jimmy SIR-4015 19797"
No sleeve yet rate it shakeculture shock SIR-4016 197910"
rate it ramonesrock 'n' roll high school SIR-4021 19797"
rate it the undertoneshere comes the summer SIR-4022 19797"
rate it the undertonesyou've got my number (why don't you use it) SIR-4024 19797"
rate it talking headslife during wartime SIRE-4027 19797"
rate it ramonesrock 'n' roll high school SRE-1051 19797"
rate it the rezillosmission accomplished... ... but the beat goes on SRK 6069 197912"
rate it ramonesend of the century 198012"
rate it talking headsremain in light 198012"
rate it blondieautoamerican 198012"
rate it ramonesbaby i love you SIR-4031 19807"
rate it shakeinvasion of the gamma men SIR-4035 19807"
rate it ramonesrock 'n' roll radio SIR-4037 19807"
rate it the undertonesmy perfect cousin SIR-4038 19807"
rate it the undertoneswednesday week SIR-4042 19807"
rate it ramoneswe want the airwaves SIR-4051 19807"
No sleeve yet rate it ramonesbaby i love you SRE-1012 19807"
No sleeve yet rate it ramonesdo you remember rock 'n' roll radio? SRE-49261 19807"
rate it ramonesmeltdown with the ramones SREP-001 19807"
rate it the undertoneshypnotised SRK 6088 198012"
rate it ramonesrock 'n' roll high school WBN 17.568 19807"
rate it ramonesrock 'n' roll high school WBN 17.568 19807"
rate it pretendersII 198112"
rate it ramonespleasant dreams 198112"
rate it talking headshouses in motion SIR-4050 198112" ep
rate it brian eno & david byrnemy life in the bush of ghosts SRK-6093 198112"
rate it talking headsthe name of this band is talking heads 198212"x2
rate it echo and the bunnymenst 198312" ep
rate it talking headsspeaking in tongues 198312"
rate it the curethe top 198412"
rate it the go-betweensspring hill fair 198412"
rate it the go-betweensbachelor kisses 198412" ep
No sleeve yet rate it the replacementstim 1985CD
rate it the replacementstim 25330-1 198512"
rate it jamesstutter 198612"
rate it ministrytwitch 198612"
rate it modern englishstop start 198612"
rate it talking headstrue stories 198612"
No sleeve yet rate it terry allen and the panhandle mystery band meredith monk david byrne carl finch kronos quartet banda eclipse steve jordansounds from true stories 198612"
rate it echo and the bunnymenthe game 198712"
No sleeve yet rate it aztec cameradeep and wide and tall 198712" ep
rate it ramoneshalfway to sanity 198712"
rate it the soup dragonshang ten! 1987CD
rate it jamesstrip-mine 198812"
rate it ministrythe land of rape and honey 198812"
rate it throwing museshouse tornado CAD-802 198812"
rate it ministrythe mind is a terrible thing to taste 198912"
rate it morrisseynovember spawned a monster 1990CD ep
rate it ridesmile 1990CD
rate it lou reed john calesongs for drella 1990CD
rate it ridenowhere 1990CD
rate it dinosaur jrgreen mind 1991CD
rate it dinosaur jrwhatever's cool with me 1991CD ep
rate it ridekaleidoscope plus 6 live tracks PRO-4961 199112"
rate it ridegoing blank again 1992CD
rate it rideleave them all behind 1992CD ep
No sleeve yet rate it david byrnegirls on my mind 1992CD ep
rate it ministrypsalm 69: the way to succeed & the way to suck eggs 1992CD
rate it ride slowdivesplit 7" us tour support record PB-05468 / 19927"
rate it dinosaur jrwhere you been 1993CD
rate it the velvet undergroundlive MCMXCIII 1993CD
No sleeve yet rate it dinosaur jrout there plus live tracks 1993CD ep
rate it poster childrenjust like you 1994CD ep
rate it throwing musesuniversity 1995CD
rate it ridetarantula 1996CD
rate it sebadohthe sebadoh 1999CD
rate it echo and the bunnymencrocodiles 2003CD
rate it hot hot heatmake up the breakdown SP-599 2003CD
rate it ramonesweird tales of the ramones 2005CD
rate it ramonesweird tales of the ramones 2005CDx3+DVD
ASSOCIATED LABELS blanco y negro, fiction, korova

origine, provenance, formé à, come from, style, artwork, record sleeve, pochette

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