Known discography of TZADIK
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(16 records found)
artist title ref year format
rate it john zornelegy for jean genet TZ-7302 / EVVA-33004 1992CD
rate it jim o'rourketerminal pharmacy TZ-7011 1995CD
rate it ruinshyderomastgroningem TZ-7202 / 1995CD
rate it derek bailey & the ruinssaisoro TZ-7205 1995CD
rate it john zorn & masada chamber ensemblesbar kokhba TZ-7108 1996CDx2
rate it kletka redhijacking TZ-7111 1996CD
rate it wayne horvitz marc ribot dave douglas guy klucevsek kramer erik friedlander joey baron zeena parkins fred frith john medeski & billy martin & chris wood elliott sharp marie mcauliffe mike patton lloyd cole & robert quine anthony coleman / selfhaters yuka honda & sean lennon shelley hirsch bill frisell eyvind kangv/a: great jewish music: burt bacharach TZ-7114 1997CDx2
rate it elysian fields mike patton wayne horvitz & robin holcomb cyro baptista kramer ikue mori fred frith jon ruins anthony coleman eszter balint david shea eyvind kang steve beresford blonde redhead john zorn cibo matto john medeski & billy martin & chris wood shelley hirsch franz treichler marc ribotv/a: great jewish music: serge gainsbourg TZ-7116 1997CD
No sleeve yet rate it naked cityblack box TZ-7312 1997CD
rate it john zornthe circle maker issachar masada string trio zevulun bar kokhba sextet TZ-7122 1998CDx2
rate it arto lindsay & marc ribot rebecca moore kramer the melvins medeski, martin & wood lo galluccio fantomas & mike patton tall dwarfs chris cochrane gary lucas eszter balint vernon reid danny cohen oren bloedow sean lennon & yuka honda cake trey spruance buckethead lloyd colev/a: great jewish music: marc bolan TZ-7126 1998CD
rate it melt bananaMxBx 1998 13000 miles at light velocity TZ-7219 1999CD
rate it ruinsmandala 2000 live at kichijoji mandala II TZ-7234 2001CD
rate it naked citylive volume one: knitting factory 1989 TZ-7336 2002CD
rate it agataspike 2004CD
rate it mick barroctis: iohargh wended TZ-8030 2007CD
OWNER john zorn
ORIGIN usa new york

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