Known discography of INTERSCOPE
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(33 records found)
artist title ref year format
rate it primussailing the seas of cheese 1991CD
rate it helmetmeantime 1992CD
rate it helmetunsung 1992CD ep
rate it nine inch nailsfixed 1992CD
rate it primusmiscellaneous debris 1992CD ep
rate it nine inch nailsbroken 1992CD
rate it primuspork soda 1993CD
rate it prickcommunique 19947"
rate it helmetwilma's rainbow 1994CD ep
rate it helmetwilma's rainbow ep: australian tour collectors edition 1994CD ep
rate it cop shoot copmoney drunk flipside bonus 6" 19946"
rate it nine inch nailsthe downward spiral 1994CD
rate it the reverend horton heatliquor in the front 1994CD
rate it helmetbetty 1994CD
rate it nine inch nailsmarch of the pigs CIDX 592 1994CD ep
rate it nine inch nailscloser to god CIDX 596 1994CD ep
rate it drive like jehuyank crime ELM-022 1994CD
rate it cop shoot copinterference PR 5804 19947"
rate it the young godsonly heaven 1995CD
rate it helmetafterstate 1997CD
rate it helmetexactly what you wanted 1997CD ep
No sleeve yet rate it ...and you will know us by the trail of deadrelative ways homage 2001CD ep
No sleeve yet rate it ...and you will know us by the trail of deadpeel session 20027"
rate it ...and you will know us by the trail of deadsource tags & codes 2002CD
No sleeve yet rate it ...and you will know us by the trail of deadrelative ways 2002CD ep
No sleeve yet rate it ...and you will know us by the trail of deadanother morning stoner 2002CD ep
rate it ...and you will know us by the trail of deadthe secret of elena's tomb BOOOOOO8-12 2003CD ep
rate it helmetsize matters 2004CD
rate it ...and you will know us by the trail of deadworlds apart 2004CD ep
rate it ...and you will know us by the trail of deadand the rest will follow 200510"
rate it beckghettochip malfunction 200512" ep
rate it nine inch nailswith teeth / HALO-019 2005CD
rate it nine inch nailsyear zero / HALO-024 2007CD
ASSOCIATED LABELS amphetamine reptile, sub pop, play it again sam
ORIGIN usa california santa monica

origine, provenance, formé à, come from, style, artwork, record sleeve, pochette

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