Liens vers d'autres sites compilant des informations discographiques :

Links to other discographical resources Websites :


30 under DC (Washington DC punk rock history, punk|hardcore)
7inchpunk (, )
a homage to defunct vinyl independent labels (a homage to defunct vinyl independent labels, )
all music guide (discography for all styles of music, )
atomjack (music family tree from san diego, punk)
australian rock database (australian bands database, )
band to band (, )
centerstage/chicago (who's who of chicago music, all styles)
dead format (, )
disques de l'ann (bilans annuels des revues musicales fran?aises et internationales, )
do it yourself flyers (online collection of french punk diy flyers, punk|hardcore)
epitonic (, college-rock|indie)
euthanasie/ripost (discographie du rock et du punk fran?ais, punk)
FLEX (discography of US punk and hardcore, )
gnoosic (discover new music, )
grunnenrocks (punk, garage, rock discography resource, )
kill rock stars fact sheets (detailled informations on bands and releases from the kill rock stars family, )
les choses (, )
metal archives (metal bands resource, metal)
operation phoenix records (punk zine archive, punk|hardcore)
rate your music (online community of people who love music, discographies, )
reims punk'n'roll (annuaire des acteurs du punk'n'roll sur reims, all styles)
scaruffi (story of the rock music, discography, rock)
scumville (uk and irish hardcore archive, hardcore|punk)
seattle bands (seattle bands history, grunge|punk|lo-fi)
tatapoum (site de chroniques + catalogue de r?f?rences, indie)
the greatest punk collection ni the world (punk collection, punk)
tigersuchi (music community, listen to rare releases, )
tweenet (story of uk indie C-86 music, indie|C86)
viva la vinyl (pressing infos, emo-hardcore)
what is emo? (emo history, emo)
zookeeper (independent music database, KZSU playlists, indie)
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