(44 records found)
rate it a death in the family dukes of hillsborough sainte catherines crimson mire popzillas great st. louis tenement kids wat tyler fallout monikers hot water music in the red rosie jones band former cell mates mike magarelli tim version chuck ragan gunshy open sewage mike hale anthem red kover four dumb kids nothing in common tiltwheel drunk radon sinkin' ships zwei tage : ohne schnupftabak rentokill madstateworld driveway speeding vena cava erase today steady state four letter word x. for the day 2 pump louiev/a: leatherface tribute rubber factory
rate it aa action beat best fwends big bear bilge pump bipolar bear books on tape collin mel craig colorusso crime in choir crito & doily double dagger dynamite arrows ecstatic sunshine fat day fathers day flying fuck buttons golden error the good good gowns high places ho-ag hunting lodge insect factory japanther jerk justice yeldham leaders lovid lucky dragons maps and atlases matt and kim monster dudes mr. baby necking neptune featuring can't numbers the oh sees oneida parts & labor the pope pterodactyl raccoo-oo-oon shooting spires the show is the rainbow shy child these are powers trey told 'em tunnel of love tuxedo killers the usa is a monster vaz voltage when dinosaurs ruled the earth wilderness zsv/a: love and circuits: a cardboard records compilation from aa to zs cardboard records
rate it adams and the blackout air guitar magazine!boombox!conelrad!fangs of the panda!harangue!hotness!ice capades!(((microwaves)))!midnite snake!minister squid!pay toilets!the silver thread!slices!the sea, like lead!two sexy beasts!vale and year!warzone womyn!young men's departmentv/a: unicorn mountain volume 1 anthology unicorn mountain
rate it angela desveaux john parish arbouretum califone the sea and cake the zincs tortoise pullman thalia zedek eleventh dream day bobby conn adult pit er pat sue garner & rick brown david byrne directions in music freakwater archer prewitt howe gelb mouse on marsv/a: plum thrill jockey 15th anniversary thrill jockey
No sleeve yet rate it antic clay entertainme.nt femme fatality jaggery killick! nerdkween one hand loves the other retconned sick figures sorry no ferrari stezo tenth to the moon feeding fingers the subliminator w-s burnv/a: stickfigure distribution 2008 sampler stickfigure
rate it bipolar bearmountain dewd yosada
rate it brainbombs noël akchoté catalogue reines d'angleterre berg sans nipple salmigondis stanley kuby alvaro gol leif elggren france joëlle léandre charlie o. fred nipi die goldenen zitronen dimension X carl michael von hausswolff parenthetical girls vs. deerhoof claus van bebber & michael vorfeld the skull defekts ero babaa a.h. kraken france sauvage shit and shine jean-louis costes ich binv/a: sonic protest 2008 bimbo tower / textile
rate it catatonic youth christmas island dan melchior und das menacev/a: the world's lousy with ideas vol. 5 almost ready
rate it die princess dielions eat lions deluxe uproar for veneration
rate it doomtree dosh final fantasy fiery furnaces daniel johnston land of talk france has the bomb STNNNG a place to bury strangers lookbook helio sequence tapes n' tapes lucy michelle & velvet lapelles nomo black blondie tegan and sara alela diane gospel gossip vampire hands fogv/a: live from radio k 6
rate it eddie prevost ches smith blake fleming aaron moore weasel walter andrew barker kevin shea thymme jones michael wertmüller tim daisyv/a: drums love you makrame
rate it factums wizard prison katharina tunicata charles gocher dave knott spider trio lung wing michael ohlenroth sir richard bishop the sea donkeys climax golden twins michael shannon uncle jimv/a: ...and shiva came for charlie ri be xibalba
rate it faraquetanthology 1997-98 dischord
rate it green river mudhoney tad l7 screaming trees afghan whigs red red meat eric matthews iron & wine the shins the postal service kelley stoltz flight of the conchords pissed jeans no age v/a: sub pop 300! mojo magazine
rate it hostages of ayatollahanthoalogy x-mist
rate it hunting lodge neck hold shearing pinx the sticks gay beast deaf! deaf twin crystalsv/a: mash mansum DNT
rate it k.k. rampage pretty high out never hot girls cool guysv/a: 3-way split hiv tarnations
rate it lady doctors black orphan factums the pink noisev/a: the world's lousy with ideas vol. 2 almost ready
rate it landedhow little will it take load
rate it little claw eat skull psychedelic horseshitv/a: the world's lousy with ideas vol. 6 almost ready
rate it livefastdie nice face coconut coolouts back c.c.s party cannon the gaye blades nick storella wizzard sleeve clean teens forks & knives & spoons v/a: wild about jenkem
rate it mirah the gift machine photosynthesis o paon kaisle feeled nate ashley the sandman karl blau bryce panic kimya dawson triumph of lethargy skinned alive to death the graves mt. eerie bryan elliott band coconut coolouts ...worms khaela maricich caufield/caulfield calvin johnson angelo spencer et l'orchidee d'hawaii d+ love tanv/a: no band is an island knw-yr-own
rate it nadja dirge savage republic wild shores year of no light kill the thrill troum contagious orgasmv/a: fear drop #14 charbons ardents coal fire une brève introduction à a short study of the cure's pornography fear drop
rate it no justice life's halt h-street no reply best of times holding on dirty dirt & the dirts carry on what happens next gazpacho handplant vitamin x varsity the gate crashers committed rancorv/a: memories of tomorrow hardcore compilation youngblood
rate it oxford collapse zombi oneida centipede e'est jackson from grand buffet elf power pink mountaintops modey lemon vale & year karl hendricks rock band usa is a monster mike tamburo html frog eyes coachwhips ex-models dirty faces young mens department natura nasa anders st. andersv/a: unicorn mountain volume 2 anthology unicorn mountain
rate it panicsville wives burning star core breather resist merzbow curse of the birthmark devilish yellow swans aids wolf cotton museum get hustle primes rudolf eb.er (r&g) made in mexico pod blotz phoenix bodies friends forever lovely little girls otto von schirach the usaisamonster tan as fuck football rabbit john wiese henk thurston moore athletic automaton neon hunkv/a: oozin' pus wombs liquid death/hello pussy records
rate it pascal comeladethe no dancing because
No sleeve yet rate it poutre dupek fuh josh treehorn royal mcbee corporation beckfords io monade stancav/a: noise to the bone swarm / total music / canalese noise / core and co
rate it rhys chatham jonathan kane's february megafaun paul duncan collections of colonies of bees neptune ateleia school of seven bellsv/a: impala eardrums: a radium sampler table of the elements / radium
rate it shai hulud ensign kill your idols indecision inhuman creep division f minus the kill van kull voorhees all the answers awkward thought no redeeming social value felix 25 ta life converge agnotic decision thursday breakdown players clubv/a: tomorrow seems so hopeless a tribute to negative approach warner / eyeball
rate it spits aaiiee!! pleasureboaters intelligence artificial limbs chinese warning : danger! coconut coolouts pierced arrows leaders a-frames toe tag le shat noir strap straps nice smile pist'uns fucking eagles bill collectors reptilian civilian stuck-ups superdestroyers aurora roarers snacks pyramids partman parthorse steel tigers of death cute lepers paper dolls the girls anxieties the heels tacocat autolite strike the headliners rc5 pure country gold generation & monica nelson jaguar paw zack static sect howlin' houndog & the infamous loosers android hero digger & the pussycats new luck toy the hacks pranks thee manipulators space cretins teenage harlets the handsv/a: the funhouse comp thing II funhouse
rate it stumpfierce pancake and beyond the complete anthology sanctuary
rate it stuntman (FR) basement ananda pneu denizen tantrum café flesh colorblind marvin danishmendt illtemper beamtrap time to burn goodbye diana appolonia i pilot daemon drive blind breathe your dirt death to pigs year of no lightv/a: temples of noise still alive in our minds temples of noise number 8 prototype / temples of noise
rate it suspicions wax museums romance novels nobunnyv/a: the world's lousy with ideas vol. 3 almost ready
rate it teenage jesus and the jerks beirut slumpshut up and bleed cherry red
rate it the intelligence spider love tan afcgtv/a: puget power #5 regal select
rate it the skull defekts daniel menche knell james plotkin joshua convey zaïmph sachiko suzuki junzo tabata mitsuruv/a: arc utech
rate it the telescopescreation singles the singles 1989-1991 mind expansion
rate it touched coconut coolouts el vicio fag copv/a: the world's lousy with ideas vol. 4 almost ready
rate it usurp synaps america owns the moon ativin majhas letters in english bigbigear lukewarm bodies (at best) melk the g6-49 manners for husbands mara'akate fabric (USA) intro to airlift ari ari the junekill ward oklahomas sardina big cow & the prophetsv/a: defunct indiana joyful noise
rate it vélooo berlin & brooklyn milgram danisco (for beauty) sincabeza art flûte mr protector calva marvin semiplayback dr gonzo kourganev/a: à tant rêver du roi #2 à tant rêver du roi
rate it viktor sjöberg & jonas lindgren anders dahl porn sword tobacco sewer election dead letters spell out dead words jasper tx the skull defekts tsukimono joel brindefalkv/a: gothenburg 08 fang bomb
rate it witch hats the german art students the wheelers tara king theory melissa gibbs julie peel francine rizzo descartes a kant the nuevos douglas fir le tetsuo modifiersv/a: gigantic a tribute to kim deal american laundromat
rate it yowie colossamite pre mulev/a: double seven inch and comic book set ac/dc tribute series sides 11-14 skin graft / gasoline boost
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