Known discography of THEATRE
( )
(13 records found)
artist title ref year format
No sleeve yet rate it jaïlmademo THEATRE-004 1998tape
rate it myra leest BA-002 / REJU-003 / LAM-001 / THEATRE-007 / JR-008 200412"
rate it microfilma journey to the 75th REJU-006 / THEATRE-009 / 2005CD
rate it loisirssubmergé par le sublime REJU-010 / THEATRE-008 / LAM-002 / DORA-016 2005CD
rate it crash taste die prettysplit 12" MIGOU-002 / REJU-015 / THEATRE-010 200612"+CD
rate it microfilmstereodrama REJU-020 / THEATRE-012 2007CD
rate it myra lee2 REJU-021 / THEATRE-013 / LAM-003 2007CD
rate it my hand in your facest REJU-025 / THEATRE-014 2007CD
rate it taciturn anémonesplit 12" DES-003 / 200812"
rate it epileptica piece of eternity... REJU-031 / THEATRE-015 / PICORE-002 200812"
rate it microfilmthe bay of future passed / / MIGOU-004 201012"
rate it microfilmAF127 IMP-042 201212"x2
rate it tomorrow is the morrowenjoy the feast FURNE-035 / K-007 / / THEATRE-023 201512"
OWNER gregory florent raphael guitton
ASSOCIATED LABELS tempête dans ton bourg, rejuvenation, la mâchoire, bloko autonoma, jason r, x-mist, picore, désormais
ORIGIN france poitiers

origine, provenance, formé à, come from, style, artwork, record sleeve, pochette

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